Friday, October 9, 2009

Chariteas to host SAVING GRACE at Sandy Actors Theatre

Chariteas is hosting the final showing of SAVING GRACE at Sandy Actors Theatre.

Join us this Saturday, October 10 at 8pm and prepare to be entertained! We will be offering tea and treats during the reception afterward, so be sure to say hello!

"One of the funniest comedies we have ever produced. Mistaken identity, romance gone awry, and a telephone repairman. he a cat burglar? Who wins Grace’s heart? Will her sister ever survive the madcap mixups that create an evening of chaos and delightful confusion?" -Sandy Actors Theatre

Saturday, Oct 10
General Admission: $12
Doors Open 45 minutes before show.

Reservations: 503-668-6834
Sandy Actors Theatre is located directly behind ACE Hardware in Heritage Square, Sandy, OR.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting the 'actor's reception'! You all bring such wonderfulyl refreshing teas and treats. My family and I are very excited about your Grand Opening!


Thank you so much for sharing your insight, we truly value you taking the time to let us know your thoughts!

Team Chariteas