Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chariteas' Tea Tasting

We had our FIRST tea tasting!

It was an awesome experience. About 10 people came We're still in the process of building, so everyone came in and took a seat around our saw horse and plywood table. And for those wondering, no the table will not be used when the tea house is open (aw shucks I know).

The tea tasting was held in what will soon be the ordering room. Charity did a presentation on how to properly taste a tea: ex. what should we be looking for in the taste, descriptive wording, the difference between bitter (acrid taste) and astringent (causes mouth to feel dry).

She presented 4 rounds of 5 different types of tea, about 20 teas altogether. The guinea pigs...err volunteers tasted each tea and wrote their responses. After each round we also discussed what we thought about the teas and Charity answered all questions we could ask.

What was great is that we had a wide range of tea tasters...from various ages to experience. We even had a registered palate among us! That diploma-ed tongue was attached to a dear friend of the tea house.

Everyone had a great time, there was a lot of conversation about previous tea experiences, favorite teas and lots of lively debate over the descriptions!

A special thanks to everyone who came! Your opinions matter and they really helped Charity with her ordering for the tea house.

We look forward to doing more in the future, whether they be for ordering or maybe as a Tea 101? Let us know what you think!

Team Chariteas

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Team Chariteas