Monday, July 27, 2009

Our First Media Mention!

A couple weeks ago, a very sweet woman, Berenice Tynan dropped by. As a correspondent for The Oregonian, she'd heard a lot of rumors about the changes happening to the Chariteas building and wanted to see what the fuss was all about. Well, two weeks after having a great interview with her; we were in a store and mentioned to the clerk that we were opening a tea shop in Sandy, OR. To our surprise, she asked if we were that new tea shop coming to town, Chariteas, that she had read in the paper. Once we collected our respective jaws off the ground-we cheered and raced home to find the article.

We are so excited to have our very first mention in the news. You can read it here, it's short and sweet!

Chariteas Blurb

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